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Effective Education: Ensuring Comprehensive Excellence Through Psychology

Students don’t like teachers?

Vice versa?

Despite the role of educators in civilization, there still seems to be a disconnect ensuring that all students are properly educated and ready for life.

“Behaviorism is a theory that focuses on observable changes in behavior to explain learning. It defines learning as an enduring change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience,” ([Schunk, 2016; Skinner, 1953] Paul Eggen; Don Kauchak, 2010). In Using Educational Psychology in Teaching, the authors and other researchers they have studied from have realized that learning is much deeper than observing material in a classroom.

“The principles of operant conditioning can be adapted to manage your own behavior (Miltenberger, 2011; Watson & Tharp, 2007) … Identify the activity you want to change … Remember the principle of shaping and set realistic goals for gradual improvement on each successive week,” (Dennis Coon; John Mitterer, 2011). In Psychology: A Journey University of Memphis, Coon and Mitterer, along with authors they mentioned, emphasize that developing new habits is the foundation of behavior, which coincides with education.

“Trust is essential when building a better relationship,” (Ralph Smart, 2013). In Feel Alive, Smart, a degree holder in psychology and criminology, emphasized the concept of trust.

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